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A Gathering Of Voices

Piazzapulita: A Platform for Conversations That Matter

A Gathering of Voices

Piazzapulita, the renowned Italian talk show hosted by Corrado Formigli, has garnered immense attention online, with over 227,677 likes and 22,13 on Facebook engaging in discussions. Its mission is to shed light on pressing issues, bringing together diverse perspectives to foster informed dialogue.

Upcoming Guests and Topics

This week's episode, scheduled for March 21, 2024, promises thought-provoking conversations. The show will feature a panel of experts and opinion leaders discussing timely topics that resonate with the Italian public. Viewers can expect insightful exchanges and in-depth analysis on matters of national and international importance.

Stay tuned for more updates on Piazzapulita's upcoming guests and topics. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #Piazzapulita.
